This is a short 42-kilometre tour over hilly roads exposed to strong winds. It partly follows the route of the Coanus Grand Prix which all cyclists in the North East of France know.
Leave the Rotonde, ride through Thaon-des-Vosges and continue to Igney. Use this flat stretch to warm up before you tackle the first of the six hills on this route. Between Mazeley and Domèvre-sur-Durbion you will need to steel yourself to pedal hard along the succession of straight hilly roads which first take you through open countryside and then under the cover of the shady forests of La Closseou and Le Bois des Évreux. You will enjoy the flat stretch round the ramparts of the Châtel-sur-Moselle fort. The return route winds through fields along a country road. At Girmont cross the Moselle river and return to the starting point at Thaon-des-Vosges.
For the Coanus Grand Prix route : start at Noxemy, turn right along the D157 road. Continue until you reach Igney. Competitors complete the circuit seven times.